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Las Patronas
In town called ‘Las Patronas’, a group of women prepare food to give to the passing migrants. “They understand” Open destination
For the Mother of the Disappeared: U2 song
Every year in México more than 9,000 disappear not to be found again. This section includes a song by U2 honoring the Mother of the Disappeared. Open destination
Gonzálo Guerrero: Badass and Father of Mestizaje
The story of Gonzálo Guerrero is one of he most amazing tales of humanity in the formation of a new world. Survives a shipwreck, escapes cannibals, becomes a slave, gains
Moon Experience: Become a migrant across México
Experience crossing México as an undocumented migrant. Open destination
Sun Experience: A New Nation Begins!
The Begining of a nation. From the encounter of the Europeans and the Mesoamericans, a different story where perspective changes villains into heroes. Open destination
Main entrance
The museum’s main landingspot, where you can choose your adventure or go to the telportals office. Open destination